Friday, May 11, 2012

Interior Design: Paint War

The endless move is finally over! We've unpacked boxes and put away majority of our stuff. I seriously don't think you realize how much stuff you own, until you move. I am so glad that's over. Anywho, my sister and I went paint shopping at Home Depot the other day & pretty much wrestled over paint choice.
As I've mentioned before, my sister wants a "purple" room so we initially went in agreeing that we were going to go for purple, but the actual shade of purple had us throwing a fit- I wanted shade #1 (picture below) she wanted shade #2. There's a slight difference between the two shades, but I felt as though the lighter option wouldn't close off our room by making it dark.. I lost the battle though, we ended up going for her choice.. but I got priority over furniture and design!

Paint samples my sister and I narrowed down to
Also, from Home Depot I picked out this pretty cool brocade stencil - which I'm planning to cover an entire wall with after we're done painting the room. I only just started painting today, so I'm definitely not expecting this room to be done any time soon, but I'm  glad I have the entire Summer to look forward to once the next two weeks of finals are over.


anonymous said...

oh wow, i wouldn't know which to choose because both shades are nice! i guess it depends on how the the color actually looks against the lighting in your room. but from the pictures, the color you went with looks great! and i loveee that stencil pattern! can't wait to see the final outcome. after your finals, of course ;)

Merium said...

Ah, the lighting is atrocious! I'm going to need to add some sort of lighting fixuture to the room.
Anywho, can't wait to show you either! <3

Annisa Mulia Razali said...

the purple color is awesome :)

SABA said...

SUCH A GREAT IDEA! so creative.... love it!